Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Tuesday, September 30, 2003

I am way too interested in everything.

I have the worst time settling down and paying attention to one thing at a time. If I was in school today, I'd probably be diagnosed with borderline ADD.

I have opinions on everything. Everything. I try, or I want to try everything. If I learn about something I have to read up on it.

It's a curse I tell you.

No really, it is. Working on one thing and only one thing is a form of torture for me. I get all itchy and jumpy and want to wiggle my feet and dance around. Or surf the internet. It's the same difference really.

I think this is on my mind because I've been hideously busy at work. Just after getting over the flu. Having to concentrate on one thing and get it done, and feel sort of sickish while doing so. It's not even Wednesday, and I'm so ready for the weekend.

I had two martinis tonight. Whee! It's like I've imported a tiny bit of the weekend into my week.

But now I must go and work on my homework. And concentrate on one thing and get it done. After having two *martinis.

*Just think, at one point in American business life, this would have been a normal part of your working day. "The three-martini lunch". How on earth did people do it?