Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Sunday, October 19, 2003

The GLBT Years Book

The Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Years Book is an on-line gallery of the middle and high school year book pictures, organized by graduation year, of gay, lesbian, bisexual & transgender adults from across the U.S. and Canada. Its purpose is to show GLBT youth that they're not alone.

Adding a photo to the Years Book is free, anonymous, and open to anyone from any country that engages in the ritual of the school photo. Pictures are limited to those taken during adolescence (ages 12-19), and presented on the site in order of graduation year. The photos are shown anonymously to demonstrate that GLBT teens might be any teen. We invite you to include your occupation in order to remind GLBT teens that we really "are everywhere," and that they, too, can become anything.