Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Tuesday, July 01, 2003

Calling Art Bell

I'm doing much better, thanks. I had my class again last night. The instructor is growing on me, he sort of reminds me of Jimmy Buffet, if Jimmy Buffet was an accounting instructor and respectable family man. Must be the Hawaiian shirts and the mellow attitude.

For some reason, my accounting class is full of people that you know call late-night talk radio. A lot. The class is filled with small business owners, and that squirrely vaguely paranoid attitude seems very common among a certain type of small business owner.

This is what you get with people that are just self-sufficient enough to want to strike out on their own and seek their own sources of information, but can't tell the difference between the Wall Street Journal and Art Bell.

I just want to learn to how to do a statement of cash flows, and not hear about their theories about the government. Simple enough, don't you think? But my simple desires are not to be fulfilled.

One of my classmates was in fine form. If memory serves me correctly, he shared with the class his theories on General Motors, gas prices, and finally got stuck on the Consumer Price Index. I understand the Consumer Price Index does have some problems, but I doubt that there's a sinister conspiracy to keep it articially low--"TO KEEP WAGES LOW!"-- which is what my classmate seems to believe.

The instructor let the guy talk himself out, or tried to. But Mr. Conspiracy Theorist kept talking.

Finally the instructor just said, "So, do you have any ideas on who killed Jack Kennedy?"

Hee! Good one! Harsh, but nothing the guy didn't deserve.

And, it shut him up. (yay)

For fifteen minutes. (boo)