Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

Hey, they've got a wave pool!

My company is having an event over the summer. It's going to take place where all of our events take place, at a local overgrown hotel known as the Cape Codder Resort. It's a nice enough place, with all the latest hotel amenities, including a wave pool.'Cause, it just wouldn't be part of your Cape Cod experience if you had to go out and find your waves at the beach, oh no, you need them right at the hotel.

Whenever we're going to do something at the Cape Codder, I don't know why, but someone ALWAYS brings up the wave pool. Since observing this, I always wait for it to be mentioned and haven't yet been disappointed. We were just discussing this event five minutes ago and yep, someone mentioned it.I'm sure it will be brought up each and every time we discuss this event from now until it occurs.

I have no idea if it's the only wave pool on Cape Cod or not. But at the last Christmas party my coworkers all had to go look at it. Sure enough, it was a wave pool.

One of the executives here took his grandkids to visit the wave pool last time they were here. He lives within walking distance of one public beach and five minutes driving distance of at least a half dozen more.

I think we should have an event at the sister hotel of the John Carver Inn in Plymouth. Their pool includes a representation of the Plymouth rock, a cute little bridge that makes me think of the pirates from Peter Pan, a slide, a waterfall and the overall effect is rather VegasBa-bee!. In a tasteful small-town New England sort of way of couse.

I'm sure a real Las Vegas hotel would have the rock, pool and patio furniture in each one of the master suites of the hotel, but the John Carver exhibits an admirable Yankee restraint in their decor.