Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Monday, June 23, 2003

SCA Event

I went to a local SCA event on Saturday, but was sick as a dog all day Sunday so I'm only just now writing about it. Kermit the Blog had a really nice write-up about it (I got to meet him, very cool), plus he has pictures so you get more of an idea. Nice pictures too, I have found at these events sometimes a certain element of distraction. Someone will be in perfect medieval garb, but drinking from a can of coke. He seems to have gotten all photographs that managed to miss the can of coke.

It's funny, because I've known various types of re-enactors for years. The garb I was wearing Saturday was actually from when I was in a friend's wedding. (And they say you never get to wear your bridesmaid dress again.) But talking to someone for whom this was all new was quite revelatory. I really forget just what a stunning effort even just basic garb and equipment is and what an impression it makes.

I really had much more to say about this. I met up with an old friend and took a bead class while I was there and I had all sorts of thoughts about making things and art and craft and merchanting at events, but it's all been driven out of my head with being sick.

Accounting Class tonight

Once more into the breach. I started up a new Accounting class at CCCC. Gods, but I was tired. I'm on a new work schedule, where I come in earlier and get out earlier which I love, but haven't adjusted to yet.

I don't care for the new instructor as much as my old one. Or my classmates. I was jaded and tired and cranky and it really colored my perceptions of everything. Plus the guy sitting next to me stank of ketones (that smell people get when they've been drinking and are processing alcohol) and heavily scented shower products. Yuck. I'll be better next class. I hope.