Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Sunday, November 02, 2003

What is it that you do do?

Dave wanted to know what sort of place I work in. Without going into too many details that could come back to haunt me, I work in publishing for an extremely dysfunctional organization.

Most publishing outfits share certain idiosyncrasies. You're always on a deadline, you're always behind, and you're always kissing someone's unreasonable ass. There's always finger-pointing going on, and an attempt to assign blame, even though the real problem is that the schedule is unreasonable and someone from outside the company has decided to be an unreasonable ass.

There's a certain lack of perspective. Spouses get neglected and children go barefoot in the snow because the entire world can collapse over a typo.

Now, this is just the normal world of a publishing outfit. The ineptitude that I bitch about is just normal ineptitute.

Just so we're clear, I'm not a dainty thing that wants to run screaming into the night because my workplace is stressful or my coworkers are boobs. I do work out a lot of my venom by complaining about those things, but it's partially displacement. I mean yes, I do find those things stessful, but those aren't the big gotcha stressors. I don't even discuss much of what occurs at my work because it's very specific.

Think good thoughts for me getting a new job, m'kay?