Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Saturday, October 25, 2003

What Child of The Eighties Are You?

Cartoon Addict
You are a Cartoon Addict. You probably spent many
Saturday mornings in front of the TV. You long
for the days when cartoons rocked. Never fear,
the Cartoon Network still plays reruns of The

What child of the 80's are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Pretty accurate!

Completely unrelated

I was looking up some arty stuff the other night and found this amazing dollmaker named Alexandra Koukinova. I don't want to actually own any of her dolls, a doll costing several thousand dollars is all wrong for the way I live. But I love the craftmanship and the fantastic attention to detail. There's been houses, no, make that cities built with less thought put into them than these dolls.