Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Thursday, March 11, 2004

If It Was A Snake...

I've indicated that I don't work with the brightest of bulbs?

Dense Coworker: Do you need a copy of this? (waves a report in my general direction)

Me: No thanks, I got my copy this morning. (While standing four feet away from you, but who's keeping track.)

(Dense Coworker looks vaguely at the papers in her hands)

DC: I have...two copies. Why did NumbersGuy give me two reports?

Me: We each have two reports. One's in company name order, the other's in customer number order.

DC: Oh, that's right. I remember NumbersGuy mentioning that this morning. I should have remembered that.

Me: (Or possibly you should, you know, actually look at what's in your hand. There's an idea.)