Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Monday, March 08, 2004

Tricksey spammers, we hates them.

Disembodied voice from the next cubicle.

Coworker: This virus is tricky. They're getting smarter.

(Because you know, computer viruses evolve, the human element has nothing to do with it.)

Me: (I'm afraid to ask, but my duty compells me.) How so?

Coworker: It tricked me into opening it.

Me: !?!?

Coworker: But there was no attachment.

(Sound of crickets chirping.)

Me: Wait, there was no attachment? How do you know it was a virus?

Coworker: Well I opened the email and it was just an ad for Viagra.

Me: That's spam, not a virus.

Coworker: Well, it was really sneaky.

Really sneaky, eh?

I guess if I left early without telling anyone or ate all the cookies, that would make me a virus.