Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Monday, March 01, 2004

Recently Watched

We like to save movies to TIVO that catch our eye and we finally watched The Emperor and the Assassin on Sunday night. What a great movie!

We had no idea what it was about. The Spousal Unit had a vague idea it was something Hong Kong action-y and having just watched Big Trouble in Little China for the umpteenth time, it seemed like a good way of rounding out the evening. Oh boy was that impression wrong. The Emperor and the Assassin is a beautiful epic tragedy.

If you're the sort of person who will watch and enjoy "the Scottish play" or *Richard the III, you should watch The Emperor and the Assassin, it completely sucked us in within five minutes.

*Even though Gandalf's evil and that's so wrong.

Also, a few days earlier we finally watched a TIVO-ed copy of the orginal Cat People. This movie has a well-deserved excellent reputation, it's a subtle, psychological thriller with a bit of the supernatural thrown in.

Fans of H.P. Lovecraft will observe that the hero is a classic Lovecraftian type. He's a sensible modern American tangling in matters that are beyond his ken and woefully ill-equipped to deal with sinister secrets originating from Old Europe.

Although that makes me wonder, how did this movie got produced during World War II? I wouldn't have thought that'd be an approved message for the times.