Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Tuesday, February 10, 2004

Random Observations

A perfectly useless collection of tidbits.

Last night while half-asleep, I heard the humidifier gurgling and immediately thought of the scene from H.P. Lovecraft's Horror in the Museum when our hero is horrified to hear the Elder God climbing out of a tank of water. Clearly I read too much Lovecraft.

Speaking of things man was not meant to see, have you seen this fruit? They were selling them at Stop'nShop the other day. Get a bunch of them, Ugli fruit and some blood oranges, and you'd be all set for an Elder Gods fruit basket.

I received a cell phone promotion in the mail the other day that was in Russian and English. I knew there was a Russian population on Cape, but had no idea it was sufficiently large to be marketed to. I'm now trying to figure out why my shopping habits place me in the "Russian cell phone user" demographic. I do mail order of everything you can imagine, are Russians living in America known for doing mail order?