Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I can't believe what a grouchy bitch I am today. The noise of shuffling paper from the next cubicle makes me want dump hot coffee over the wall. Boiling pitch would be even better.

I am in a mood. No other way of putting it.

There's reasons for it, but those are excuses more than anything else. I feel frustrated over my job, over the people I work with, over various personal things, over not having enough time for pursuits that interest me much more than work, over money, over not being able to go outside and enjoy the first nice weather we've had in six months, over our oceans being trashed, over humanity acting like shits, over the fact that our incompetent president is currently ahead Kerry in the polls, over not getting a good night's sleep, over having to clean the house before my allergies act up again, over my fear of flying and I'm sure a bunch more things I've completely forgotten about.

When you get right down to it, this is all just a lot of blather that ignores the essential facts. I'm in a mood.

I also feel shitty for not being more content with the good aspects of my life. Because, there are a lot of good aspects, but I just don't feel like seeing them at the moment. Self-indulgent, spoiled, whiny, child of the middle class! I need a time out.

Instead, I have a meeting at work where we're going to be "brainstorming". This should be good.