Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Monday, July 28, 2003

So tired...

Busy weekend. Saturday I worked the Mass NARAL table at the Barnstable County Fair. We were in the progressive ghetto along with Independence House. Our fellow tablers included Mass Citzens for Life, Cape Cod Pro-Life something or other, and (annoyingly) Victory Chapel and their affiliated Vacation Bible School.

I think some of the attendees were hoping for a Jerry Springer style confrontation between us and the pro-lifers. It may sound odd to folks in other parts of the country that we could all have an amiable afternoon together, but in Massachusetts, most hardcore pro-lifers are Catholic ladies of a certain age who pray the Rosary. Despite the dead fetus pictures everywhere, they tend to be low key.

Victory Chapel on the other hand, are a bunch of scary fundie cultish thugs.

This is the church that first made a splash on Cape Cod a few years back by running a "Hell House" during Halloween. The Bible School people were prostelytizing all the little kids stopping by to get stickers. "ARE YOU 100% SURE YOU'RE GOING TO HEAVEN?"

You have no idea how strong the temptation was for me to say, "I'm 100% sure I'm NOT. I remember past lives and I fully expect to reincarnate again." Or possibly join the company of a particular God or Goddess. But, I was there in an official capacity so I just smiled and read my magazine.

Fundie freaks. I hate fundie freaks. They're everything wrong with America, ignorance coupled with the absolute certainty that they're right. Assholes.

Sunday I did family stuff that I could write in lengthy detail about, but I simply don't have time or inclination. And, I have an incredibly long day today, work, office event after hours, and then I need to catch the second half of my accounting class. I'm sleeping well tonight!