Dolphin With Rabies

Life on beautiful Cape Cod.

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Lurking in the medicine cabinet

Our house's interior has some of the lousiest paint jobs imaginable. A particularly cheap and nasty builder's white. I'm finally getting around to putting some color on the walls and I remembered a painter friend had told me that isopropyl alcohol (rubbing alcohol) was effective at removing latex paint splatters. I was searching for Googled confirmation of this use, and oh my, this stuff is toxic. I had no idea it could poison you through skin exposure. I'll wear gloves. Thick ones.

And yes, it does remove latex paint spatters.

Speaking of hazardous household items, remember mercurochrome? I remember getting a cut and painting it rusty red with mercurochrome and then painting little designs around the cut. I miss mercurochrome.